Race & Ethnicity at Tesco

Supporting and encouraging ethnically diverse colleagues to be the best they can be, whilst engaging with the wider community, for a more inclusive future.

Our Vision, Objectives and Goals

Along with the communities we serve, our workplace is becoming more diverse. So, by sharing our cultural differences and what matters to us, we begin not only to respect each other, but we create an inclusive environment for all. When people feel included, they are more likely to be themselves.

If we can gain the courage to ‘be ourselves’ then we are more likely to perform better and not worry about hiding anything. That’s not only good for Tesco, but good for our own self-esteem too.

The Race & Ethnicity colleague network aims to make a difference by raising awareness of diversity, culture and inclusion within Tesco. We want to support and encourage Race & Ethnicity colleagues to develop their careers with Tesco, and ensure Race & Ethnicity colleagues in the wider community know that Tesco is a great place to work.

Our Objectives and focus
• Develop a National Network where all minorities are welcome
• Creating a programme that colleagues from an ethnic background feel a part of and benefit from
• The Network helps Tesco to serve customers from all background and communities a little better everyday


Being a great ally

As managers, it’s so important that we lead by example and make every individual colleague feel welcome, and we’ve already encouraged teams to explore having more open and honest conversations around diversity and inclusion.

Being an ally means being there for others, and not being afraid to challenge situations or behaviours. Even if you don’t identify as a member of one of our colleague networks, you can still show your support as a member and an active ally to help empower other colleagues. Here our colleague Freddie talks about what it means to be an great ally at Tesco.

Latest News and Events

Black History Month celebrations.

To celebrate Black History Month, Race & Ethnicity at Tesco Network held some amazing events across Head Office, Stores and Social Media.

• There was a main cover story and full feature in our 't magazine' for Celebrating Black History Month, featuring colleague stories and achievements
• Jason Tarry, Race & Ethnicity Executive Sponsor, held virtual focus groups to better understand some of the challenges that our black, Asian and ethnic minority colleagues face 
• Across the business we hosted Colleague Listening & Drop in Sessions

